I don’t know why every one is putting a large banner at the top of their web pages. I always think web site should present the important content at the top of the page, instead of a not-too-meaningful, actually often meaningless, large image, or video.

As “Dear web designer, let’s stop breaking the affordance of scrolling” stated:

“Big picture + arrow down = lazy design”

“When you squint your eyes and tilt your head, don’t a lot of these products look awfully, well, similar? Don’t they look pretty but, at times, a little dull?”

Also in the long read of this intercom essay “Has Visual Design Fallen Flat?”:

“When you squint your eyes and tilt your head, don’t a lot of these products look awfully, well, similar? Don’t they look pretty but, at times, a little dull?”

Related Posts: web-design, web-clip.