Styling input range

Input range without styling

 1<form method='post' action='data:text/plain, Form submited.' oninput='result.value=distance.value'>
 2  <p>Nearby:<br><input type='text' placeholder='restaurants, ATM'></p>
 3  <p>
 4    Within distance:
 5    <output name='result' for='distance'>100</output>
 6    m
 7    <br>
 8    <input name='distance' type='range' value='100' max='2000' min='100' step='100'>
 9  </p>
10  <p><input type='submit' value='Search'></p>
 1input[type="range"] {
 2  appearance: none;
 3  background: #efefef;
 5  &::-webkit-slider-thumb {
 6    @include greeny-ui;
 7    appearance: none;
 8    width: 30px;
 9    height: 30px;
10    border-radius: 50%;
11  }
13  /* TODO: add moz and ms styles too */

Input range with styling

The live demo:

See the Pen An example of styling range input for mobile device by Thomas Seng Hin Mak (@makzan) on CodePen.

What’s next? We’re going to take a look at “Using file button”.

overlaied image when clicked on thumbnail

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